Monday, January 18, 2016

On the countdown

Well it is less than a month until the d word- freedom- and there is so nuch to do including getting my ticket to go away for a few days!  Yes. After the divorce I am taking a train trip to northern germany to visit with a good friend and just get away and have a change of scene. And hopefully breathe in the reality that part of my life is finished! And I could withstand all the attenpts my ex tries to bring me down and make me look crazier than before.
All the while I am setting my landing to be softer. While the fool tries to cry louder.   And he will look like a fool in the end. He underestimated my strength. Yes I may need Psychiatrist, but who inmy position wouldn't.   And hath no furylike that of a mother.  Believe me this is harder than it looks - but if you have the emotional resources it is doable.

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