Saturday, April 6, 2013

Art and the tornado ( borderline personality disorder)

Well here begins the halfway point of the journey that I am being warned will be a long one. It already has been a long one to get this far.  But yes this is about having a borderline personality disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder. 
I decided to combine it with my art website since art has helped me deal with the aspects of the disorder. I dissociate in varying forms with flashbacks
I am working on two books as well as all the painting. One on helping others deal with having the disorder ( maybe other personality disorders) and a compilation of poetry I have written over the years.
My diagnosis is fairly new though it is the best definition of the tornado I experience on a daily basis.
I like to tend my reaction like a natural disaster. Just like one tends to hope in nature it changes as rapidly as we do. It is unpredictable. And we need to appreciate nature for what it is. I am a tornado when i dissociate. Things get tossed around, and put into disorder and a couple of pieces of artwork have been torn as well as things get broken and self injury can happen. Often in the tornado state it loses strength then i am left to stare at this mess i created in stunned for a period of time then order does come back just like that of villages needing repair to build new homes. I do require help to come back- a voice other than mine to bring me back to reality. But the mess is mine to bring back to order.

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