Friday, April 18, 2014

Triggered yesterday

And today I am really paying for it- am so cold then so hot then dizzy as anything  
Yesterday on the way to the studio I felt like I was being followed by a creep. So I was constantly looking over my shoulder and holding my breath. Just like when I was ten.  I was listening to music to try and stay present. Even took the sequase I have in reserve- I was suddenly staring through people again.  I tried the strong menthol oil on the temples - I was going through all my skills I had on me- wasabi , strong gum.  I knew I had physio to help loosen up the tightness in my neck.  But today - my body temps are bouncing all over the place- cold by the extremities and sweating then shivering though I am under a warm quilt..  Grr - debating on if I should call the stand in for my care nurse. - it is Good Friday today and I am home in the safety of my oasis.  I hate all these forms of dissociation- trying not to self harm.  But the tension is building in the body again.  I just had a massage yesterday afternoon stretching out the tightness in my neck only to have it spazz up again. 

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