Friday, July 25, 2014

Back in clinic so no trip to france

So after all that research and finding a sofa and a friend to accompany me life threw me some upheavals again!  
My son had been showing a problem with his motor skills and speech and since i had muscular dystrophy in my family there was a fear he had that in addition to his existing NF1- blood test and neurovist concluded no muscular dystrophy- i can breathe a sigh of relief but at the end of the visit the dr said if tobias shows signs of continuous headaches with nausea an vomiting or siezures then to bring him in. My ex's dad had a strange brain tumor and NF1 is known for brain tumours as well.  It is an unsettling way to leave an appointment knowing that ex has no idea what a siezure can look like. It isn't always the jolting body.
As I earlier stated I am back in clinic as I am not coping welling with the fireworks leading up to 1st of august.  And this week was especially difficult even under the watchful eyes of professionals.  The room next to me had an acute autistic young man( requiring extra caregivers and being locked in his room like a prisoner)  i feel for the boy but in my fragile state i can't handle his loud sudden outbursts banging the wall- so i asked if i could change rooms knowing the one i am in now was empty as of this morning!  So early this morning was a hustle to pack up and move rooms!  ;-) already much better! And this weekend i am on my own in the room!
I am still in danger of self harm if triggered the wrong way- but this time i brought my baton to smash against a wall instead of breaking glass.  But stupid me I pulled my shoulder with hauling my suitcase here and pulling the wagon on saturday.

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