Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Some ignorant comment about dealing with triggers

Some people think that i am acting spoiled because i want to leave switzerland over the week of the 1st of august. People think i should just stick a pillow over my head and blare music in my ears to drown out the constant bangs of fireworks. 
These ignorant comments are from people who have no idea how fireworks trigger dissociation, nor do they realise the extent that affects my body- so i could try to drown out hearing them but- my body learned years ago how to feel noise and music( something people with hearing loss often discover as children as a coping mechanism. Ignorant people also don't realise that with such triggers i can become a danger to myself and most of my resource people are also away!  Here in switzerland many people with pets also go across the border- fireworks cause undue stress toanimals that also can affect behaviours from normally calm to very nervous to very aggressive- so goes the same for many with PTSD. Fireworks are loud, sudden and unpredictable- like gunshots.  So i am not whining i am taking the advice of health professionals to get out of switzerland during this week so i would not need to endure unduly stress upon my nervous system.
I have a span of seven forms of dissociation- flight to extreme form is like paralysis- i look like i have had a stroke, my speech becomes non xistant, and my left side is so tight and cramped. And i hate being touched- i am in sensory overload at this point. Oh and my blood pressure drops to a low, and my body temperature drops that i would need 2 duvets.
On the flipside if i get to the fight then beware things fly, glass would be broken and i would injure my arm and possibly my face. Things get broken the kinetic energy is almost unpalpable.
Otherwise most days i just deal with anxiety levels and never go anywhere withoit my main skills. 
So for those people who think PTSD is all in the head think again. 

1 comment:

  1. Gemma,

    Ugh, I hate it when people say ignorant things like that. I guess the only thing left to do is to ignore those comments and educate others as much as possible. What's important is your well-being. So do what you have to do and forget about the haters!

    Take care
