So i admitted to H today that i ran out of my diary cards and failed to copy new ones. So today i spent about 5 franks at the copy machine at the grocery store ( screwed up royally on 20 copies duh had the paper the wrong way and pressed for twenty instead of doing a test run and checking) this heat is really getting to my head (and feet)
Then when i figured what was wrong i had to do another 2 franks to get about ten copies- i really need my own printer. But like i said dumb mistake on my park
So now i customized them for me ( all ten copies ) and started again from yesterday.
What was my good thing yesterday?
Am involved in a messageboard for reducing the stigma attached to borderline personalitiy disorder-via twitter and facebook.
I may be moving my website later off facebook- not sure I like the layout on facebook for advertising my art and some people weren't sure about getting to see the art if they aren't a member of facebook.
Til nest round