Saturday, February 21, 2015

Songs like butterfly wings,

i need to come up with a business plan and a way to get the interest of investors. Basically why was this little story written and why is it so important to get it published and in the limelight, and how do I see myself promoting this book? 

well to start off- This is a story of a little girl whos family is pulled apart due to her mothers complex mental illness.  it is a story of a mother and daughter being honest about the illness and how singing gives each other strength even when they can't be together. and also reminding children they are not at fault for the crazy things that have caused that separation but also children are witness to how people treat their parents and many times children face difficult consequences due to their parents illness.
You can Imagine how difficult it is to get funding to support those withthe Mental Illness- Borderline Personality Disorder is often associated with being a teen and or being narcisstic, as well as self harm. but not all patients are teens when they are diagnosed, rather adults  who were teens when the diagnosis was just an idea flittering in the mind of a wonderful Psychologist who knew first hand the feelings most of us went through; Ms Marsha Linehan. There are many factors that coincide with this illness including Complex Post Trauma which also has complex symptoms of its own. inclusive Dissociation. now be a child of that parent going through such symptoms.  so there have been support and self help groups developed for the patient, ( which is good - sort of like taking the oxygen mask first in a difficult plane situation) and for the parents of the patient- they need to help to cope with the patients odd behaviours and not take the blame or put the blame on the patient.  then there are groups for the spouse or the adult /late teen sibling.   There is a group missing here! and lack of support available for the most vulnerable group.  this is not a problem just in the states but world wide.  this is possibly because childrens mental health is at the bottom of a complex funding.  so maybe we need to create the program and support from other means of funding. 
The Duchess of cambridge had recently done a public announcement for Place 2 Be which seems to be a forerunner to support the children.  I would hope to create the program specifically for children of parents with Borderline Personality.  and help it to continue to grow with the availabilty of the book, and not just USA, or england but also in Switzerland and Germany.  Children need a safe place to speak about how their parents illness affects them with other children, to laugh and paint, do kareoke days, to play music.  or board games and basically know they are not alone.  Their world changed when their parents got Ill and diagnosed with a mental illness, new people entered their lives but to support their parents more than them.  maybe they feel they need to be the new parent for a younger sibling,or need to do well in school and fit in. they worry what others think when they realise what kind of illness their parents have. and feel they have to be happywhen they are by their parent because their time with that parent is limited and full of people around. 
They don't need to fight the stigma - thats our job as adults. We need to let children know they are loved, regardless. 

So the target audience is pretty much primary school-aged children so that they know they are not alone.  Hopefully most clinics  with in-patient and out patient programs that cater to helping patients with BPD, organisations that help fight the stigma attached with BPD. and hopefully in the public libraries as well as school libraries throughout the world. that way children who don't have the support available still can reach it. So families can sit together and read a lovely story of a very wise girl and her mother as they go through all the changes in their lives and realize all the resources they have to get to see one another more often.

what i hope to do to promote this book- i would read the book in as many libraries and bookstorees possible, as well as media interviews. Ellen, Oprah and Dr. Phil are you ready to help champion for children?  I hope to have this book translated in the worlds main languages as soon as possible. 
with the  20 % of royalties from the sales of the book ( after the investment of 4,000 US is returned to the investor)  the investor would be guaranteed their logo on the back of the book in gratitiude for their support of the book and what it would stand for.
I would also be grateful for the interest and Support of The Chief Editor of Waldorf Publishing who has shown the belief in the story (and so quickly) and would be sure to create a wonderful package to help all parties involved.
i would love to thank my friend Michelle who thinks we could at least translate the story to get it available here in switzerland as soon as possible.(i think you should become an agent)  My own Psychiatrist  Dr. Mössinger for also believing this story is special and is worth the attention it will bring.  and my daughter for correcting some details in the story to improve its authenticity of our story. Yes it is our Story, a mother diagnosed with BPD and Post -Trauma and a daughter, and son.
I hope to create such a program in cooperation of NEA-BPD and hopefully name it after the book.  We mothers send our love to children through lullabies on the wings of butterflies when we can't be there for them. 

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