Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Some ignorant comment about dealing with triggers

Some people think that i am acting spoiled because i want to leave switzerland over the week of the 1st of august. People think i should just stick a pillow over my head and blare music in my ears to drown out the constant bangs of fireworks. 
These ignorant comments are from people who have no idea how fireworks trigger dissociation, nor do they realise the extent that affects my body- so i could try to drown out hearing them but- my body learned years ago how to feel noise and music( something people with hearing loss often discover as children as a coping mechanism. Ignorant people also don't realise that with such triggers i can become a danger to myself and most of my resource people are also away!  Here in switzerland many people with pets also go across the border- fireworks cause undue stress toanimals that also can affect behaviours from normally calm to very nervous to very aggressive- so goes the same for many with PTSD. Fireworks are loud, sudden and unpredictable- like gunshots.  So i am not whining i am taking the advice of health professionals to get out of switzerland during this week so i would not need to endure unduly stress upon my nervous system.
I have a span of seven forms of dissociation- flight to extreme form is like paralysis- i look like i have had a stroke, my speech becomes non xistant, and my left side is so tight and cramped. And i hate being touched- i am in sensory overload at this point. Oh and my blood pressure drops to a low, and my body temperature drops that i would need 2 duvets.
On the flipside if i get to the fight then beware things fly, glass would be broken and i would injure my arm and possibly my face. Things get broken the kinetic energy is almost unpalpable.
Otherwise most days i just deal with anxiety levels and never go anywhere withoit my main skills. 
So for those people who think PTSD is all in the head think again. 

He still tries to control me- now through the kids

I have the letter saying i have say in how i take my children and he still is trying to control the situation- absolutely fuming- but i am better at setting my boundaries and limitations of what i will tolerate from him.  I can't believe that even with not being with him anymore he is still trying to control the situation. And i need to behave and not self mutilate so that he doesn't have reason- maybe its time to bake bread again so i could get the anger out somehow- i am so listless.. But if he doesn't comply we could get a representative involved.  But first step bring him to my psychiatrist. So she can speak to him about the interests of the kids. M has stayed on my case throughout my time in clinic, my time in day clinic, as well as my time with her directly.  Just as he threatened that the time i leave the clinic they will drop me. The reason i left him was the verbal abuse, and the emotional abuse that developed to physical abuse. The courts ignored this detail in our separation hearing. They just saw that i came out of the clinic and needed time to adjust to normal life- normal life has gotten quite different than before. Without my children there i needed to fill that void as well as cope with some aspects of my aggrevated Post traumatic Stress disorder. In around april of last year my acting psychiatrist finally found the best recipe to allow me to live life to its max, weaken the dissociative states, and allow me to sleep again!  With this combination I truly could set my boundaries and tolerate triggers better.  I still dissociate off and on but i usually have warning- i know my signals. I know what is a weak round that i can bounce back from and when to call for help. My daughter gives me reason to fight and stand my boundaries, my son is still young, but my children are experts without me having to tell them.  They just get quiet til i come back. They stay near me til the wave is over.
None the less trying to reason with him over texting just proved it would be hard to sit with him without a mediator. My children deserve more time with me. I am capable of cooking, and helping with homework. My daughter looks forward to sitting with me and reading, colouring, playing boardgames, i did these things when i was much more ill and he didn't bat an eye, but now that i have a diagnosis it is a challenge to prove anything. - why should i expect any, different  his mother doesn't speak with me directly when i am standing there. She spoke with my assistant. Yes the lady that i have is my assistant- ( and friend) she has stated to me as the year progressed and i gained confidence in my time with my kids that i am boss and state where i need the help.  She gave me the space to be with my kids.  She watched as i was confident in setting rules and being fair with the kids.  My dr also saw my strength over the last year, and everyone who worked with me knows how important my kids are to me.  How hard I worked to find some emotional stability.     How much my time with the kids is important- i save all the best energy for them and when they go i can break a bit. 
It is so hard to say good bye to my son some days he just breaks apart when i go. We have worked so hard to find one another emotionally. We went from a point of me being his defender, to him not knowing who i was anymore( i tell you that would crush a mothers soul) , to me coming back to his life and daily routine again, only to need to leave again because i was way more ill than anyone truly imagined. His second birthday i celebrated as a picnic at the clinic while i was in acute. My mom came to help for a couple weeks.  Then he was more regularly with a day mother  then settled into a daycare.  With the day mother once a week that i could see both of the kids.  Now that i have been out of clinic for a year( visitation to my station to say hello to the family i had after i said no more to the marriage. )   I have taken all these steps and put my children first and foremost, and it is not enough because i have a complex diagnosis of borderline personality and complex post traumatic stress disorder. 
There are days i want to write a letter to an aunt that hurt my feelings so much as i started my new life without children. I had to deal with traumas being brought to life again facing a court that would make a decision. That would hurt me in many ways. 
In reality i did need the time that i will accept but i had to prove so much and i think i always will. But you know what, i am strong i am a survivor, i am a mother.   I am a phoenix rising from the ashes. 
I am grateful for my church, i am grateful for my doctors and my support team as well as the art studio who knew from the beginning how important my kids are to me.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Visitation without supervision

The letter came!!!!!! I can now start having the kids for visits without having someone there. And if I need the help I can ask for it!!!!! Just means I don't always have to organize somebody to be there and he doesn't have to hang at my door til colleagues come and I can arrange play dates with friends again - that my kids haven't seen in ages  or go with the kids to their godparents!  Oh my god it feels so good to be back a bit on my own feet with the kids.  
My daughter has been asking for afternoons with me.  To do her homework together, play board games together  just time with me without her brother and not be limited to two hours or something.   I have wanted this for so long now! 
Given that I am still on visitation - I may always be on visitation due to my dissociative states. Even though my meds are wonderful  I still dissociate.  I just handle them better.  

Saturday, May 10, 2014


I put a request to my lawyer that i want to be addressed if he plans to take the kids out of the country.  It is an international law- i have not given up my right to the children. He may have custody of the kids but i still have rights to my children.   So my ex phones me to say it was a missunderstanding that i please retract my statement- i refuse to. I will not be made out to be a liar.  He has degraded me in so many ways but he forgets how strong i am and i know some of my rights, yes children talk and they give you signals- he tries to make me out like a crazy liar but he refuses to show his finances. I know he has this girlfriend in Brasil whats to say he loses his house due to the divorce he'll want to take the kids to brasil with him.  
My gut is screaming at me not to reclaim my statement. Maybe i am wrong at this point but whats to say later - its called kidnapping.   Grrrr

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Chicken scratch and the cats meow

Yes that is how i sounded by the break. My voice was going scratchy trying to get the higher notes. I think part of me really would have rather stayed home. I am still recovering from the dissociation yesterday- i pushed too hard yesterday - i feel the effects still today - so i didn't do so much today. No knitting, but H came by today that was a highlight. To tell her the good news.about being able to have one of the kids in the market and the joy my kids experience just being with me.   I finished a long poem ( video taping it as well)- 4 minutes. And it is the last thing that fits my journal. But it felt so liberating.