Friday, May 29, 2015

I seem to miss some clues somewhere along the way.

I was chatting with someone, but it felt like she pursued me,  that I was asking something of here when i was merely stating my experience.  And then she stated that i had crossed her boundary. What did I miss? I know i have been told that I miss social cues before.  So internet and chatting seems to make it harder as it is text and one misses the emotion behind it. The messages that people try to convey.  I also tried to convey that i am not personally asking anything of her. Rather was stating the emotional labour between people. Where did I miss when it was the other person persuing me in conversation? I know What I need to work on;To improve my emotional health, I am asking alot of the how Can I, things only I can answer.  The question of once I get healthier what can I do. Do I stay painting? Do i continue writing? These esoteric questions, because I need to figure how far are my boundaries even in the written form, and How do I seem to miss written clues from others. How long has this been a problem of mine. It is a respect thing I get it. I never understood boundaries as a child- how could I? Verbal boundaries, physical boundaries, emotional boundaries were gone before I knew the existed. Due to medical issues, i had tests, i was told one thing after another, tested with poking and prodding, and in the name of medicine you have to let these people do that to you.  Then there is there is the not being heard when i needed help. So where do I go from here?  I would hear one thing then experience physical abuse indicating a different message.  I am like the tide going in and out Sometimes the waves are stronger sometimes more gentle.  And still with battling a mental illness people step constantly over trying to minimalise my life experience, trying to hint that I shouldn't need medication, therapy, that I should be able to forgive someone who has hurt me and that I still need to come in contact with. That I am seeking therapy from them- I know where I am at. I know my symptoms,  i may simply be stating something and somehow it is assumed I am asking something of you. I have my team to help me. Who know where I come from, what challenges I have faced. And yes I am still learning boundaries.  And i am still trying to establish my own.  But I also know what I am dealing with. Trust me I do. 

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